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Experienced. Certified. A right fuck up.


My name is Mark Drezga and I live in Melbourne, Australia.

Residing at the foot of Mount Dandenong, 5 mins away from both dense bush and urban sprawl, I am constantly reminded of the stark difference between our natural state of calm and peace and where we tend to spend most of our time in the midst of noise and chaos.

My journey began the moment I realised how woefully underprepared I was for life's unexpected changes and challenges. By refusing to grow up and live the life of a mature adult male, I relegated my own sense of control to those closest to me and when they tired of the burden and chose not to lead me any longer, I tumbled (face first) into anxiety and anger.

Without a navigator, I had nowhere to go and my mind became fixated on the uncertainty of life. The certainty that I thought I had, was an illusion.

Insecurity and self doubt were my new best friends, so it was time to grow-the-fuck up, stop complaining and begin creating the life that I wanted for myself.

"There is soo much that I didn't know....." I lamented. And with that epiphany, I began to learn.

The most difficult challenge was getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and understanding that life IS uncomfortable; and the constant desire to change and control things external of me, brought light to the simple truth that I could not - but most importantly - I didn't need to anyway.

The power was not to be found in becoming a master of manipulation or coercion of my circumstances, but to recognise the strength and ability I already had to respond to life's challenges as the man that I chose to be. I just needed some help to work out who it was that I DID want to be.

The power of acceptance allowed me to relax into enjoying life, allowing others to make their choices, knowing full-well that I would make mine.

Working with men of integrity, compassion and love challenges me to better myself by helping them better themselves. The responsibility and privilege of being a role model to my own children extends to them as well. I practice what I preach and am held accountable by the love that courses through me.

To be there when the curtain is drawn and they realise that it will never come down again, is both beautiful and humbling. To hear stories of how their wives slowly open up and allow themselves to relax into being their lover and not their mother brings a smile to my dial!

To watch a man make a choice to not only survive the divorce he never wanted, but to go onto thrive despite it - further cements my belief that the only way to have the life that you want; is to be the type of man that creates it.


Mark Drezga

Who is Mark?: About Me

©2020 by Mark Drezga - Melbourne, Australia.

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